Reading – Writing – Spelling – Inquiry


Working with me

About Deb

Deb has been a leading educator for 37 years and has presented professional development programs for State, Catholic and Independent schools. She has worked in the United States and has co-authored a number of books on literacy education. In 2011 Deb was the recipient of the ACEL Hedley Beare Educator of the Year Award and received a Fellowship in Leadership from ACEL in 2014. Deb has been both a Primary Principal and Principal of a Balinese Community School. She has recently retired from Ivanhoe Grammar School as Head of Plenty Campus (Prep to Year 12) and Deputy Principal of Ivanhoe Grammar School (2004-2016). Deb has an expertise and passion for literacy and her workshops are based on her own classroom practice from ELC to Year 9.

Working with schools


Developing Deep Level Thinkers!

How can comprehension be explicitly taught?

What are features of a well organised and comprehensive Reading Program?


Are we teaching kids or fixing their Writing?

Getting that Buzz in Writers Workshop!

How can Writing time be organised in a manageable and effective way?


How to develop metacognitive, strategic spellers?

What makes a spelling program effective?

We need to teach and not just do activities!


The Magic of curious and capable learners!

Why teach with an Inquiry mindset?

How can student understanding be strengthened?


Believing in and developing our teachers!

Why an ongoing Professional Learning Program is essential?

How can we improve whole school learning for kids and teachers?

Practical Professional Development Online Workshops

We are pleased to provided you with our 2021 Professional Development Booklet with full details of the content of each seminar.

The remainder of 2021 seminars will be online.

During 2021, David Hornsby will be delivering online courses for Practical Professional Development:

  1. Understanding English orthography: implications for systematic, explicit, and rigorous teaching of phonics and spelling.
  2. A closer look at shared and guided reading.

For details please email David: [email protected]
Different organisations can also be arranged. For example: one full day, two half-days, 4 x 1.5 hour sessions, or any arrangement that suits your school.

Download 2021 Term 3 & 4 Workshop calendar here

Friday 15 October

WRITERS WORKSHOP - Getting the buzz in our Writing Sessions! *ONLINE

Presented by Deb Sukarna for Year 2 to Year 6 Teachers

Learn More & Register

Tuesday 19 October

THE JOY OF TEACHING WRITING - Teaching and Learning with Young Writers *ONLINE

Presented by Deb Sukarna for Foundation to Year 2 Teachers

Learn More & Register

Friday 5 November
Wednesday 10 November

Day 1: Understanding how Children Learn to Spell
Day 2: Planning a Spelling Program - Analysis of Spelling Errors

Presented by Deb Sukarna for Foundation to Year 6 Teachers

Learn More & Register


“Loved it! After so many years teaching, it is good to revise and learn about literacy and the better/best ways to teach this to children. I will use everything I was shown today with my class.”

Spensley Street Primary School

“Very informative and inspiring. I came out of this seminar with so many great ideas and strategies. It made me rethink some of our current practices at school, as well as reaffirm approaches we are already doing.”

Manchester Primary School

“Amazing and so inspiring and important - this stuff is a game changer. Deb is so inspirational and passionate. You make me want to be better and learn so much more.”

Plenty Valley Christian College

“As always another amazing day. You are so passionate and easy to listen to. I have pages and pages of notes to go through and many new things I want to try and implement.”

St Columba's Primary School



My first blog

Well…. this is my first time blogging and I am really looking forward to sharing…
May 5, 2017

Contact Me
