Well…. this is my first time blogging and I am really looking forward to sharing classroom practice and experiences with those of you who choose to join in!
This is my first year as a full-time Educational Consultant and I am loving it! Working in schools, with kids, teachers and leadership teams, has been incredibly rewarding. We all want the same thing – doing the best we can for kids, as we translate current Literacy research into practice. We know that having a consistent pedagogy underpinning the teaching of literacy, as they travel through a school, will give kids the best chance meeting the literacy demands of secondary school and life.
I have been travelling all around Victoria, and interstate, to different schools – love getting the music happening and then hitting the road! It is actually great thinking time!My favourite times have been in classrooms working with kids while teachers observe. Kids are such a joy and so willing to engage and participate – I look at their eager little faces and wonder if there is a better profession than being a teacher! It is also great to be able to encourage the wonderful teachers I am working with, as they are so keen to learn. There are so many demands placed on teachers, yet they are so willing to keep growing professionally and put the time in that is required to do so.
Off to speak at an ALEA workshop in Canberra on Saturday and then I will have four days based in Lakes Entrance working with the Eastern Collective of Schools – stay tuned!
Hi Deb, Love following your work. We implement your Writers Workshop at Elwood Primary and many of our staff, including myself have been inspired by your PD sessions. Look forward to following your blog.
Teaching and Learning Coach
Hi Sarah! Thanks so much for joining in with my blog! I am intending to do more of this as I adjust to it all, as I love writing, and enjoy chatting with people!
Looking forward to following your bog Deb. Miss your professional advice. Oh, and the fun working with you. Xx
Thanks Jeannie! I miss you too and the wonderful exemplars of best practice you have been providing me with since the 80’s!!! And the laughs!!! We idd have fun didn’t we – must keep the fun in teaching because kids are just the best!
Wishing you continued success in your new venture, ad you change the world: one child, one teacher, one school at a time.
Thanks Dayle – I know you will be doing all the great stuff that you have always done with Literacy. Learned lots from you. Its all about the kids!